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Club Newsletter | Friday 14th July 2023


Cock of the Walk Qualifier 

This Saturday, members will be playing for a spot in the match play stage of the "Cock of the walk" . This is a traditional event at Eastlake GC Golf Club and many other clubs in Australia and also a Honour Board event.

The format is "Four-Ball" (2 Ball best ball). The top 8 teams in the 2BBB Comp on Satuday 15th July, will qualify for the Quarterfinal stage on Saturday 22nd July. In case a team in the top 8 are unable to play the match play stage, the spot will go to the next best team,

Good luck to all this weekend!

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Due to popular demand, the bistro will be serving a Sunday roast on the following dates.

Sunday 23rd July. 13th August & 27th August.

Chef Peter will be putting up a great roast "with all the trimmings" from 1pm on those Sundays for $25.

Spread the word, tell your family, bring your friends. With enough member support, we might be able to keep this as a permanent offering to our members, guests and visitors. 

This will also coincide with the home games of the B and C grade pennant teams so come down to the club for a great feed and a drink.

Cheating Complaints

Unfortunately, cheating during golf competitions, seems to be an epidemic at Eastlake GC. We keep hearing from members doing all sorts of dodgies to gain an advantage.

We hear about people giving themselves or other gimees. about people claiming they had less strokes than they actually did, about people marking and replacing their ball incorrectly in the greens, about people dropping their ball incorrectly. The list goes on!

The best course of action is for playing partners to call it on the spot, this the best and quickest way to deal with it. Members should also write to the club, explaining the circumstances of the incident. 

We understand calling someone for cheating, especially someone you don't know can be uncomfortable. If you prefer not to confront the offender, the least you can do is write to the club so the club can investigate and take action. 

This issue will not end unless members speak up!

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Membership Subscriptions

Members are reminded that their annual subscriptions for the 2023/24 year are now due and must be paid by Saturday 15th July.

Members who have paid in full, can make use of their house levy straight away, those paying by instaments, will need to wait until after the 1st instalment of the new financial year is paid.


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